Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Seriously serious
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Oh my darling
Monday, November 29, 2010
Ambi what?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Great minds think alike

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mommy, stay with me...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Gotta go pee pee!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Showtunes and lullabies
Friday, November 12, 2010
Going to outer space
I just opened your door to find you standing in the middle of your room, crying in the dark. When I calmed you down and got you back in bed, you told me that you just wanted to save me. Apparently you are going to space and you thought I didn't have a space ship of my own so I cannot go with you. Your ship is called Rocket and thankfully you have room for me. So tomorrow we will be going to space.
Phone chat
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Why not?
Monday, November 8, 2010
Amazing weekend in the desert
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Butterfly walk
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lessons I've Learned From My Toddler
2) "A monkey stole my yogurt. He ate it all!" If you are still hungry after snack time, perhaps you should have eaten a more substantial snack.
3) "Don't tell me 'go on timeout' mommy! That's not nice! You go on timeout mommy!" The house always wins, unless of course the house is up against a tiny human being with the brain of an expensive attorney.
4) "It's not in my mouth. It's just touching my lips." Please see lesson number 3.
5) If you're in trouble, kicking a cat (or an underling) does not make anything better. It just leaves you with scratches on your leg.
6) "A cookie makes it all better." Seriously, there are very few things that don't seem more rosy when you have a freshly baked cookie in each hand.
7) Don't trust men that hit on mothers in grocery stores. Glare at them reproachfully until they back away and leave your mother alone.
8) "Bad guy go home!" Label everything as either bad or good. There is no gray to right and wrong. And if something is bad, banish it from your presence.
9) "Mommy, say 'Bless you Thomas!'" Always acknowledge a sneeze. It doesn't matter that you're crossing four lanes of busy freeway traffic, you should not abandon common courtesy simply because you're preoccupied with other matters.
10) And finally, yesterday, a week from now and ten minutes from now might matter; but nothing is as important as this particular moment. So scream your head off until everyone around you recognizes the moment too.
Mr. Sandman
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Hair cut anyone?
Two Russian Girls + You
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Hunger is as hunger does
Monday, October 25, 2010
We need to talk
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Side note...
When you took to calling her Bad Becky at about a year old, she wore the name as a badge of honor. You didn't give anyone else a nickname, so it was special. Now you call her just plain Becky but still worship the ground she walks on. She asks you endless "why" questions just to get you to respond in your grownup, exasperated tone with, "Stop it Becky."
Amazing little man
If you were anyone else, I'd be hurt that Play-doh is more important than talking to me, but because it's you, I was just pleased that you were having fun.
Monday, October 18, 2010
One of the best days EVER
After we rode a couple kid rides and you scaled a rope net (still in costume), we hit the road for our next stop - the ice skating rink. On the way we stopped for some chicken sandwiches at Chick-fil-a, where you introduced yourself to a table full of policemen. You have a fascination with policemen that I try not to discourage since you never know when you might need to depend on one.
When we finally made it to the ice rink, you were rearing to go. We strapped some skates on you and I held my breath as you teetered onto the ice. Imagine my shock when you took to the ice better than me at first! Thankfully we had trusted Aunty Becky to hold your other hand because I was less dependable on the ice than anticipated. You hit the ice a couple times as we dragged you around the rink, but you fought tooth and nail to keep going. It was not an easy task to get you off the ice when we were finished for the day.
From the ice rink, we proceeded to our final fun stop, the pumpkin patch... duh duhn duhn. I saw a horse trailer from the freeway, so I had a feeling it would be an intersting trip. You practically flew to the pony ride and picked out the biggest horse in the bunch. Such a change from the little boy who wouldn't even ride a carousel horse a few months ago! After a quick pony rid you went on a couple LARGE inflatable slides and drove a jeep in a circle for a while. Then, you spotted it! They had a harness hooked to bungee cords and suspended over a trampoline. Kids were flying through the air and doing tricks midflight. You HAD to do it too!
As your slightly skeptical mum, I stood in line with you for nearly half an hour, expecting your attention span to be breached at any moment. But you continued to stand there, very seriously clutching your tickets and asking the attendant if it was your turn. When it finally was your turn, I rather nervously strapped you into the harness and cringed as you started to bounce. You LOVED it! Your giggle was non-stop. Finally I reminded myself that I am a mother of a boy, so I grabbed your feet, pulled you down to the ground and launched you up into the air. Now this was fun! After a few all too short minutes of being a human slingshot, the attendant brought you down to earth once more. It was one of the most fun things I've ever experienced, so I can only imagine what it was like for you.
Seaworld - $0 (we have a pass)
Costume - $0 (bought it on sale at Old Navy last year for $5)
Ice skating - $9 (for whole family of 4 - thank you groupon)
Chick-fil-a - $6 (meal for 3 - thank you Readersteals)
Pumpkin Patch - $20 in tickets (YIKES!)
One of the best days EVER
Friday, October 8, 2010
This morning I continued our new routine of pulling you out of bed rather than trying to wake you up gradually in your own cozy bed. You immediately wrapped your arms around my neck and snuggled my neck. Talk about heart melting! As I changed you, you started to do your fake cry routine, but couldn't play it off today and instead giggled off and on throughout me dressing you.
Last night we had dinner with my best girlfriend, Aunty Kat. I think you annoy her when you ask her over and over where her boyfriend is, but you like him more than her. She does outlandish things to impress you (like the time she ate a lemon) but you are an excellent judge of people and seem to be able to pick out the ones that genuinely like kids. She's fantastic, but tiny people aren't her thing.