Here is a gratuitous shot of us... just cuz I love it when you make this face.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Ambi what?
You, my boy, are ambidextrous. You refuse to choose a primary side and seem to switch back and forth at will. Your grandmothers (and great-grandmothers) have been laying bets since birth, but I think you will continue to refuse to be pigeon holed. You're just like that. So you paint, write, eat, and even throw with either hand with no real discernible difference. We shall see if you ever choose a side.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Great minds think alike

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mommy, stay with me...
Oh doodle bug, you break my heart some mornings. I hate leaving you to go to work. Especially on mornings when you grab my hand and say, "Mommy, I just want you to stay with me." I wish I didn't have to work to provide for you. You deserve to have your mommy home with you during the day, but at least right now you have my sister. Becky stays with you all day. You love to chase her around and go on long butterfly walks with her. You have always been two peas in a pod and are oddly similar.
As far as the way your brain works, you are all me. But you have Becky's same mix of bravery and fear as well as her chatterbox tendencies. You both have winning personalities and turn on the charm at odd moments, like in a grocery store checkout line.
So doodle, I would love to be home with you right now. But rest assured that no matter where I am or who I am with, my mind is always on you. The second I found out you were growing inside of me, my entire existence wrapped itself around you. You are the center of my universe and I wouldn't have it any other way. I just wish I could spend my days with you right in front of me instead of just carried around in my heart.
Monday, November 22, 2010
You are officially potty trained. I think me finally just dragging you to the toilet every hour for two consecutive days finally broke down your resistance to being a big boy. Everytime I hear you yell, "I have to go pee pee!" and hear the patter of your little footsteps streaking down the hall to the bathroom, I can help but laugh. You're doing so well and I am so proud of you.
We went to our first movie this weekend. Rather than be tortured (and torture others) with chatter in a busy theater, I took you to see an animated movie at a drive-in theater. It was perfect because we were watching a coworker's 7 year old son for the evening. I loaded you and the 7 year old into our truck and drove to the theater. The other boy decided he would pick out candy as his refreshment but your heart was set on popcorn. (I've only recently started to let you eat real popcorn instead of puffed rice masquerading as popcorn, so it's still a big deal.)
It had been raining all day, so we jumped at a break in the showers and sprinted to the concession stand. You very proudly told the clerk what you wanted and carried it back to the truck yourself. You had eaten half of it by the time the movie started!
You did pretty well in spite of your short attention span. I am glad we went the drive-in route instead of the theater route though. You did want to discuss some of the finer plot points mid-movie, such as what kind of car the villain drove and if the love interest was pretty.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Gotta go pee pee!
I heard you yell something just before 11:00 pm last night and went rushing into your room to check on you. You were tangled in your blankets as you frantically climbed out of bed, telling me "Mommy! I just have to go pee pee!" I swept the blankets away and ran into the bathroom ahead of you to turn the light on and clear any hindrances to a clear shot.
The thing that cracked me up most was that you didn't just have to go pee pee, you had to go pee pee standing up. You pulled your little pants and (dry) Pullup down, braced yourself against the top of the toilet and aimed (handsfree) into the bowl.
It's amazing the moments that inspire parental pride. Such a simple thing but I wanted to run around the house yelling, "Yay Thomas!" I restrained myself however because such undignified moments perturb you.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Showtunes and lullabies
Oh doodle bug... you were so grumpy last night that I resorted to performing show tunes and lullabies for the duration of our 45 minute car ride. If I stopped singing for longer than a minute or two, you started making dreadful noises. I haven't been that desperate to entertain you since you were 2 months old and colicky!
Your favorite song of all time is still "Wheels on the bus". It's the only song that I'm guaranteed to get your participation on. There is still one special lullaby that I try to reserve for your hardest moments. For some reason the lullaby from the movie The Prince of Egypt has calmed you down since the first time I hummed it a few weeks after you were born. It works 95% of the time and is one of the most reliable tools in my mommy arsenal.
The first time I hummed it, you were just a few weeks old and refused to sleep unless I was holding you. After a few bars of this lullaby, you calmed down. One verse in and you were snoring softly. Sometimes you would scream for long periods of time and nothing could calm you down. I think you were having reflux (that's what your pediatrician) said anyway. I finally just gave in to what you seemed to need and let you sleep on my chest all the time. If you were in a bad crying jag, I would sing to you. It seemed to soothe you, probably because of all the singing I did in the car while you were in utero. You still have an inexplicable (well to the outside world) passion for Reba songs.
Hush now my baby, be still love, don't cry. Sleep as you're rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember, my lullaby. And I'll be with you when you dream.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Going to outer space
I just opened your door to find you standing in the middle of your room, crying in the dark. When I calmed you down and got you back in bed, you told me that you just wanted to save me. Apparently you are going to space and you thought I didn't have a space ship of my own so I cannot go with you. Your ship is called Rocket and thankfully you have room for me. So tomorrow we will be going to space.
Phone chat
You are the jelly to my peanut butter, so it makes sense that we have our own song. I call out, "Peeeeanut, peanut butter" to which you respond, "and jelly!"
I just got off the phone with you. You told me that you're eating a sandwich, so I asked if it was peanut butter and jelly (followed by a quick song - see above). You replied, "No. It's just jelly. We're all out of peanut butter."
Your language skills improve daily. Sometimes you astonish me with how much of the English language you actually grasp.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Why not?
Today I informed you that we would be buying a truck tonight. At first you were rather excited, but after your initial surprise wore off, you replied, "How about an airplane?" When I reminded you we had no place to put an airplane, you essentially told me you would settle for a monster truck because they make "soundses" that regular trucks and cars do not.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Amazing weekend in the desert
We had such a nice weekend! We went to Marzie's house and saw lots of aunties and cousins. We went to the Living Desert, the street fair, and swam a lot. I grabbed you by the hand and took you to the bathroom every hour whether you wanted to or not. You fought me when we were in public, I don't think you like having your fun interrupted for something so silly as a potty break.
However, all in all, I think we're on the right track with potty training. You wore regular underwear all weekend (with the exception of night time) and only had one very minor accident. The only problem is you do not approve of our potty dance celebrating your accomplishment. You told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to perform the potty dance. I think you should have been born into a very reserved British family. Instead, you're stuck with a rather eccentric, loud, but loving bunch that is just crazy about you.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Butterfly walk
Yesterday you and Becky went of a butterfly hunt. Apparently you found quite a few of them... we have a neighbor with lots of flowers. You picked a flower for me and told Becky, "No. It's not for you. It's for my mommy."
There are no sweeter words than "my mommy."
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lessons I've Learned From My Toddler
1) "Chuck E. Cheese is nice. But I do not like him." Just because something or someone is considered pleasant by others does not mean you must enjoy it. Make your own choices.
2) "A monkey stole my yogurt. He ate it all!" If you are still hungry after snack time, perhaps you should have eaten a more substantial snack.
3) "Don't tell me 'go on timeout' mommy! That's not nice! You go on timeout mommy!" The house always wins, unless of course the house is up against a tiny human being with the brain of an expensive attorney.
4) "It's not in my mouth. It's just touching my lips." Please see lesson number 3.
5) If you're in trouble, kicking a cat (or an underling) does not make anything better. It just leaves you with scratches on your leg.
6) "A cookie makes it all better." Seriously, there are very few things that don't seem more rosy when you have a freshly baked cookie in each hand.
7) Don't trust men that hit on mothers in grocery stores. Glare at them reproachfully until they back away and leave your mother alone.
8) "Bad guy go home!" Label everything as either bad or good. There is no gray to right and wrong. And if something is bad, banish it from your presence.
9) "Mommy, say 'Bless you Thomas!'" Always acknowledge a sneeze. It doesn't matter that you're crossing four lanes of busy freeway traffic, you should not abandon common courtesy simply because you're preoccupied with other matters.
10) And finally, yesterday, a week from now and ten minutes from now might matter; but nothing is as important as this particular moment. So scream your head off until everyone around you recognizes the moment too.
Mr. Sandman
Every morning when you wake up I ask you what your dreams were about. Every morning you respond, "Shamu". I'm not sure if you have either the most boring dreams in the world or if you are just destined to become a star in the Seaworld training community.
We do have Seaworld passes, and it is one of your favorite places. You know the freeway route to Seaworld and start to freak out if I take a certain stretch of freeway. I now avoid that freeway entirely unless we are actually going to Seaworld because it breaks my heart to disappoint you by getting off on a different exit.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Hair cut anyone?
I hope someday you can tell me why you love getting your hair cut. You are so incredibly enthusiastic about hair cuts! Is it the focused attention by a well coiffed young lady (you throw a fit if we go to a male barber) or is it the lollipop after the fact?
Last night when you were hitting on small Russian girls, you were sporting a nifty faux hawk, fresh from the salon. Perhaps that explains your aggressive friend making...
Two Russian Girls + You
Last night we had dinner in sort of an open air food court with some friends. You were in such a good mood that we brought you along even though it would push your bedtime back a little bit. After walking around and chatting with several of the more interesting adults, you ended up spotting a couple little girls in strollers on the other side of a large fountain. By the time I walked over, you were leading one girl (who was rather reluctant) around the fountain while holding her hand. After half a turn around the fountain, she dropped your hand and went squealing back to her mother. The moms and I cracked up as you chased her around the fountain trying to get her to hold hands with you again.
Facing rejection from the little Russian brunette, you raced over to her little blond friend, who was all too happy to stroll around the fountain clutching your hand.
You are hilarious. And I am in so much trouble! I thought I had at least ten years before I had to worry about you and the ladies, but golly!
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